Make A Donation

You can make a donation to tautoko our poetry events, education programme and poet development through internet banking.

See Donation Account Details

A grassroots, non-profit organisation like Motif Poetry can only survive on the support of its community. You can make a donation to tautoko our poetry events, education programme and poet development through internet banking. We thank you for your support and anything you can provide to support our community!

Donation Details:

Internet Banking:

You can donate straight into our bank account, through internet banking or across the counter. Please use your name in the reference fields.​

Account Number: 03-0502-0512567-000

Account Name: Motif Poetry

To Note On Donations:

Donations are tax deductible (over $5).

Motif Poetry is managed by the Motif Poetry Trust Board, a registered charity. Charity number: CC5599

For more donation options you can contact us on

OR Join Our Patreon:

We've just started to build our community on Patreon! For the price of a cup of coffee (or two cups of coffee) a month you can support us and our work around the motu. You'll receive behind the scenes content, access to our Poetry Slam livestreams, moments to check in and more.

Check out our Patreon here:

See Donation Account Details

Want to talk to uS?

Fill out our form:

If you want to speak to the Motif team, ask a question, hire a poet, or start your own poetry journey – then you can fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch!

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Talk to us at an event:

We love meeting people face to face, so why not come say hi at our next event near you?

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