June 27, 2018

How-to New Zealand (Conceived by Motif Poetry)

Did you hear the Prime Minister of New Zealand had a baby? We put together a poem to mark the occasion.

We put together a poem to mark the occasion, bringing together five well-known kiwi and New Zealand-based poets to each contribute a few lines. Then the final piece was edited together by our Lead Artist and Education Director Sara Hirsch. Since we posted it on facebook last Thursday we've reached over 25 000 people, 3 000 of whom have clicked on the poem to take a closer look. A really great reach for our first group poetry project. We're grateful to a couple of our friends who passed the piece on to the Prime Minister.

Let us know if you think there are any other upcoming events you'd like to see kiwi poets respond to, otherwise enjoy our poem entitled How-to New Zealand.

"Kia ora whānau, here is our poem for Jacinda and Clarke's baby, and all babies new to Aotearoa. Over the last couple of weeks, five of our favourite writers from Auckland, Wellington and Hawke's Bay have collaborated to create this poem. All poets contributed their lines, then the final piece was edited into one poem by our very own Sara Hirsch. The poets Jess Holly Bates, Sara Hirsch, Helen Vivienne Fletcher, Jessie Fenton and Laurice Gilbert are former New Zealand Poetry Society presidents, poetry slam champions, novelists and actors. We are grateful to Labour employees Rob and Dinah who have passed this on to Jacinda. Ngā mihi"

*We respect and support artists at Motif Poetry. All articles and poetry published on motifpoetry.co.nz are the property of the artist and they hold the rights for the art. Motif Poetry publishes, continues to publish , alters and shares this content with the consent of those artists and will remove any content at any time if requested by the artist. To request content to be removed please contact us here.

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