Tauranga SLAM Trophies

The Fence Post: Tauranga Poetry Slam Champion & The Spirit of the Slam Award

These awards began as fence posts found in the mud at the back of an orchard. The wood is rimu and they are probably over 60 years old. The paint was new and the putting it together was fun.

The Artist Behind The Trophies

Karen Fagan is the artist behind the trophies for Hawke's Bay, Tauranga and Otago. Karen has been creating things from other things for as long as she can remember. At different times she has dabbled in play dough, screen printing, lead lighting, painting, sculpture, and felting, depending on the ages of her children and what was around. Bringing these crafts together is reflected in the trophy designs, along with the fact that she lives in rural Hawke's Bay and has a practical and patient partner who helps her with the chainsaw and nailing parts.

Past Slam Champions

Past Spirit Of The SLAM Award Winners