Pōneke Wellington Poetry SLAM


A friendly, inclusive space in Wellington for poets to come together and share their work through SLAM.

About The

Wellington SLAM

Come along to watch or take part, we run the regular poetry slam in collaboration with the Aro Valley Community Centre called Windswept SLAM. It's a warm, inviting space where you can get to know the format and the people involved. If you're new to poetry or slam, bring some friends along and enjoy the show. If you'd like to take part (or you're a competitive soul), email kiaora@motifpoetry.co.nz and sign up. It's open to everyone!

Winners will go through to the Wellington Regional Poetry Slam Final.

SLAM Rules

Standard international poetry SLAM rules apply:

  • You have 3 minutes per round, we recommend only performing one poem within this time.
  • Your time starts when you start speaking into the microphone.
  • No props, costumes, musical instruments, soundtracks or help from friends planted in the audience. If your poem refers to something you're wearing, then it's considered a costume.
  • All poems performed must be your own work.
  • No punching down. No hate speech, racism, sexism, ableism, other 'isms' or transphobia.

A full list of rules can be found at the New Zealand Poetry Slam website.

You can email

to take part.

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Wellington SLAM


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Past Slam Champions

Past Spirit Of The SLAM Award Winners


We reckon judging art with numbers is an impossible thing to do. Art is too subjective and any attempt to score it shouldn't be taken seriously.

​Random audience judges are a key part of our slams. Many of them have never read a poem or been to a poetry event, but all know what they like and know when they are moved by a poem. These amateur judges are an important part of the spirit of our events. There is a saying in slam that the point is not the points, the point is the poetry. Centring the random judges in this way helps emphasise that poetry slam is a game that we are playing with our friends, not a formal critique of poetry.

Our poetry slams are raucous, high energy events that we make sure are safe and fun. We often have a DJ and you'll find our MCs bouncing round the stage like the poetry maniacs that they are.

​Slam is just one format within the wider scene of poetry and performance poetry. It's a fun way to meet people, share your work, make an event of poetry and fill a room with people who may never go to a traditional 'reading'.

​It's loads of fun but not for everyone. You can read more about poetry progression here.


Can I read someone else's poems?
No, we want to hear your original work

Is it improvised like a rap battle?
Not usually, almost all poets will bring pre-written poetry to read or perform

Do you have to use certain kinds of poem?
No! There is no such thing as a "slam poem", any kind of poem can win a slam if it is well written and delivered.

Can I use music?
Not really, we like to focus on the written word. Singing one or two lines is fine, but we are after poetry not songs. This doesn't mean you can't read song lyrics like a poem.

Do the points matter?
No, your poetry still exists afterwards, as lovely as it was beforehand. The points just are just a fun way to get an audience in the room and to celebrate poetry.

It seems too competitive and judgemental for me
Totally fair enough, slam is NOT for everyone, and some of our favourite poets steer clear of this format. It's meant to be fun, so we recommend giving it a go and seeing if it's for you. For some people it really fits and is a great incentive to keep writing and practising, plus if you win you get the cool title of Slam Champion.

Can I sign up?
Yes! Check out if we are running a slam near you here.

The Trophies

We love our trophies for lots of reasons. They're more affordable and in line with our kaupapa than big cash prizes. As we add names we are making a record of our community, they're great advocates for what we do, and they look cool!

How can you get involved with poetry?

Discover the ways that you can get involved in the poetry community and support our Aotearoa poets.

Wellington SLAM


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